Where should I start with GTD?

Where should I start with GTD?

People worldwide are discovering the Getting Things Done® methodology; and often I’m asked, “Where should I start with GTD?!” They have either read the book, been to a course, heard about it on a podcast or from a friend; and they have sufficient inspiration or at...
GTD® & Nirvana® Setup Guide

GTD® & Nirvana® Setup Guide

We’re excited to release a guide that many people have requested over the years–GTD & Nirvana. This elegant app, built with GTD in mind, is a great option for managing your lists. This new GTD & Nirvana Guide will show you how to: – Understand the fundamental...
Doug’s GTD Story

Doug’s GTD Story

Tell us a little about you and your work My name is Doug Crane and I am a librarian by profession for over 22 years. I currently have the honor to serve as Director of the Palm Beach County Library System in southeast Florida where I oversee the major executive...
Where should I start with GTD?

What are the Best Apps for GTD?

A question we often get from the GTD community is, “What are the best apps for GTD?” While we would love to give you a simple answer that tells you exactly what to use, it’s not as simple as that.   GTD is tool neutral One of the first things to understand is...
What is GTD?

What is GTD?

Keys to the GTD® Methodology People often ask us, “So, what is GTD?” If you’re new to GTD or have been looking for a succinct way to explain it to others, check out this short video where David Allen shares the keys to the Getting Things Done® methodology. Hear why...