GTD® and Outlook® for Mac 2019 Setup Guide

GTD® and Outlook® for Mac 2019 Setup Guide

It’s here! We’re happy to announce our new best-practices guide for implementing GTD with Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2019.® This Guide will show you how to: – Understand the fundamental GTD best practices – Optimally configure Outlook for Mac 2019 in the way we have...
10 Reasons GTD is Like Karate

10 Reasons GTD is Like Karate

For years I have woven the martial arts metaphor in and through my writing, training and coaching about the Getting Things Done® methodology. I had the good fortune to be able to study karate for several years in my twenties, and my familiarity with that field gave me...
Podcast: Getting Things Done For Teens

Podcast: Getting Things Done For Teens

David Allen, Mike Williams, and Mark Wallace discuss the brand new book Getting Things Done for Teens, including what’s different, what’s the same, and some of the wisdom they’ve garnered in writing the book together.

Podcast: David Allen Talks with Brian Robertson

Podcast: David Allen Talks with Brian Robertson

This is a fascinating, wide-ranging conversation between David Allen and Brian Robertson. They discuss how we as humans relate to our own attention, and how the increasing complexity of our work environment has necessitated that we get stuff off our minds.

GTD® and Asana® Setup Guide

GTD® and Asana® Setup Guide

It’s here! We’re happy to announce our new best-practices guide for implementing GTD with Asana. This Guide will show you how to: – Understand the fundamental GTD best practices – Optimally configure Asana in the way we have found works best for GTD – Integrate your...
Building a Productivity Jungle

Building a Productivity Jungle

The GTD Summit kicks off in just seven weeks! We are in the midst of finalizing our program and I am excited to announce that Emily Gregory of VitalSmarts will be joining our incredible lineup. She’s going to be sharing insights on effectively managing 10,000+ people....
Steve Holden’s GTD Story

Steve Holden’s GTD Story

Tell us a little about yourself: My name is Steve Holden, and I currently live in Southern California near San Diego. I originally grew up in Northern California near Sacramento. I came down to San Diego to go to San Diego State University (SDSU) to study computer...