Mastering Workflow Series – Level 1: Fundamentals

Getting Control of Your Workflow

This first level in the Mastering Workflow Series builds the foundation for you to put GTD® into play—at work, at home, and in everything you do. You’ll learn critical principles and techniques for gaining and staying in control, day to day.

The key result on this level is stability.

There are two components to build your success at each level in the series–the course and the follow-up workshops.

What You’ll Learn in the Fundamentals Course

The Fundamentals course is presented over one day or two half-days and includes engaging lectures, clever animated videos sharing the best practices, hands-on exercises, group discussions, and Trainer demonstrations.

This course instills the critical distinctions of the five steps of workflow mastery: capture, clarify, organize, reflect, and engage. It focuses on the need to capture all potentially meaningful inputs into trusted tools, the executive decisions required to clarify what those captured items mean and generate actions and outcomes, the primary and discreet categories for organizing information and reminders, the process for consistent orientation reviews of life and work, and how to optimize your system to make priority choices.

What’s Covered in the Course:

  • Capturing “stuff” into external locations
  • Processing “IN” to empty consistently
  • Applying the two-minute rule
  • Making decisions when things show up vs. when they blow up
  • Tracking actions contextually vs. unworkable daily to-do lists
  • Getting email under control
  • Delegating and tracking deliverables appropriately
  • Creating a functioning reference system
  • Breaking through procrastination
  • Managing priorities effectively

Course Materials

  • Detailed workbook, with information and examples on the concepts presented in the course
  • Jumpstart Booklet to use as a starter system for tracking projects and actions
  • Methodology Guides, which summarize the key GTD models
  • Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity book


What You’ll Gain From the Follow-up Sessions

The follow-up sessions, called the Installation & Implementation Series, support you after the course in building and maintaining trusted systems and making the most of your investment in learning the Getting Things Done® methodology. They range in length from 60 to 90 minutes and are typically delivered via webinar.

Level 1: Fundamentals Installation & Implementation Series options include:

  • Installation Lab
  • Guided Setups for common software, such as Outlook®, OmniFocus®, and Google® Apps
  • Guided Mind Sweep
  • Guided GTD Weekly Review®
  • Calendar Management
  • Email Management


