Looking for GTD Training?GTD Courses and Coaching

David Allen Company Global Partners offer GTD public and private courses and coaching services around the world.  Here are a few links to get started:


GTD Training in the United States

GTD® Focus
GTD Focus is the Exclusive Partner for the delivery of Getting Things Done® (GTD®) individual coaching in the United States and Canada.
Phone: 877.719.1804
Email: info@gtdfocus.com
Website: gtdfocus.com/workflow

VitalSmarts is the Exclusive Partner for the delivery of Getting Things Done® (GTD®) classroom course training in the United States and Canada.
Phone: 800.449.5989
Website: https://www.vitalsmarts.com/events/#gtdpublics


GTD Training in the UK & Ireland

Next Action Associates
A Certified Partner of the David Allen Company in the UK and Ireland.
Phone: +44 (0)20 7352 6433
Email: info@next-action.eu
Website: www.next-action.eu


GTD Training in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland

produktivNorge AS
Phone: +47 63 99 55 33
Email: morten.rovik@produktivnorge.no
Website: gtdnordic.com

Click here to see our full directory of partners offering training all over the world.